Manuka Honey directly from the manufacturer

Our Manuka Honey comes from the Waikura-Valley on the East Cape of New Zealand and is extracted by honey bees from the nectar of the Manuka flowers.

A high-quality natural product with unique properties. Our honey impresses with its high quality and natural benefits. Thanks to the valuable active ingredient MGO, Manuka honey supports well-being in a natural way and is very popular around the world. Discover its special features and versatile uses.

As a manufacturer and part of the Waikura Limited corporate family, we bring our Manuka Honey directly to Switzerland.

What makes it special: We follow our Honey from the Manuka blossom to the finished Manuka Honey and know it down to the last detail. 

Learn more about the Cultivation in the Waikura Valley & about the Manuka- plant. Discover our delicacies in the shop:

What is the secret of New Zealand’s liquid gold?

At first glance, honey from Manuka flowers is no different from conventional flower honey. The secret lies in the ingredients.

The honey contains leptospermone and the strong antibacterial methylglyoxal (MGO). Compared to conventional flower honey, the MGO- content is up to 100- times higher.

No other honey has been as thoroughly researched as Manuka Honey. The valuable ingredients make it a popular part of the family medicine cabinet. It is thought to have special effects in the treatment of infections and colds.

How is the special honey used?

Strong and spicy, our honey can be enjoyed pure or as a sweetener.

We recommend letting the honey slowly dissolve in your mouth using a teaspoon. For throat and pharyngeal problems, we recommend 2-3 teaspoons per day.

If you add honey to a hot drink, allow it to cool down to lukewarm first. Temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius can damage enzymes in the honey.

Manuka-Plant bloom only a few weeks a year. Accordingly, the harvest of the precious honey is small. The low availability increasingly leads to counterfeiting.

Our honey is proven to be from bees that pollinated Manuka flowers from the Waikura Valley. The honey is certified with UMF ™ - values. The “Unique Manuka Factor” is based on the special chemical composition of Manuka Honey. In addition, we have the MGO- content determined by an accredited laboratory.

UMF ™ – MGO - conversion table
UMF 7+ MGO 146
UMF 8+ MGO 182
UMF 9+ MGO 222
UMF 10+ MGO 263
UMF 11+ MGO 308
UMF 12+ MGO 356
UMF 13+ MGO 406
UMF 14+ MGO 459
UMF 15+ MGO 514
UMF 16+ MGO 572
UMF 17+ MGO 633
UMF 18+ MGO 696
UMF 19+ MGO 761
UMF 20+ MGO 829
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